Families worldwide was developed by a travel family to facilitate networking and meetings between families.

When traveling, it is not always easy to find other families. It takes a lot of time and energy to find out if there are other families in the area or in future destinations. Families worldwide is here to make it easier for families. The tedious research on social media channels like Facebook / Whats App / Telegram etc. should be replaced with this. At the same time, families worldwide is also there to make local meetings as easy as possible.  I want everyone who is looking for connections for their children and themselves to have the opportunity to find what they are looking for.

About the App

Families worldwide was created to connect people. Everyone can be as anonymous as they want. There is no commercial background. Your data will not be shared or sold. Therefore there is no budget for advertising and it is up to you, the community, if this app will become more popular over the years or not. The code of the app is publicly available. Only the php files for the database link are locked for security reasons. If you are missing a feature in the app, found a bug or a process is not running as fast / well as you would like, please write me a feedback or write me directly in the support chat of the app (both can be found under settings). Donations to cover the running costs of the app are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your support Dominik Mast

About us

We are a family of five with two girls and one boy. We are a traveling family who set out to escape compulsory school attendance in Germany. 
Our children are still relatively young, but we are taking the unschooling route and are therefore particularly interested in other unschooling families.

Read more about us on our blog at www.mastbecrazy.de

How the idea for the app came about

Our second destination was Tenerife. There we experienced how hard it can be to find other like-minded families on the spot.

Before and while we were there, I kept looking for families on various channels, but unfortunately there was no feedback. I had heard of a unschooling community, but that was all I could find out.

By chance we met another family in a small village who spent 4 weeks of their parental leave there. It was a very enjoyable time and our big one (3yrs old at the time) played a lot with the other child. 

It should be always like this, were our thoughts. The condition did not change on its own, so a strong change was needed.


The next destination was Mexico. It was a bit daring, because not many families had been there before. But because of Covid popular wintering places were off limits (such as on Koh Phangan in Thailand), and Mexico was the best option.

I then put a lot of time and energy in different groups (Facebook / Telegram) to find out when and where in Mexico most families are going to be. 

Our choice fell on the immediate area of Cancún and we liked it so much in Puerto Morelos that I tried to bring this place to other families. To do this, I created various Telegram channels and then advertised the small town.

Through this, we then had a nice family network in Puerto Morelos in the winter of 2021 / 2022.

There were many weekly events and the idea for this app was born in the process.


Occasionally we would meet families who were in the same place but didn’t know the Telegram group because it was hard to find. The families worldwide app has the potential to make visible what is hidden and difficult to access in many different groups and social networks.